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The Book Beat - December 13, 2019

Writer: ReadingWhileMommyingReadingWhileMommying

The Book-Filled Big Apple

There is so much to see in NYC, but this article takes you on a tour of the places book lovers must visit. I’ve been to a few, but the Library Hotel is on my bucket list. Free books, wine and drink meet-ups, pillows with literary quotes, and did I mention free books? Sign me up. If you’ve stayed here, let me know what you thought!

Praise Be, “Little Lulu”

Margaret Atwood shares her childhood affinity for the “Little Lulu” comics. I would read Margaret’s grocery list, so of course I read and enjoyed this article.

And the Goodreads Winners Are…

I love the Goodreads site. A treasure trove of info about books and a way to track your reading, it’s a must for any book lover. Every year they ask their readers to vote on the “Best Of” awards. It really differs from the usual New York Times Book Review or magazine end-of-year lists by including books you’ve heard of and ones that you’ve actually read! When people read for their jobs (oh, the dream!) they definitely get exposure to books that those of us who read among the parenting, working, emptying-dishwashering, eating and craziness of everyday life don’t get. Check out the winners (and the winning authors neat messages below). And then start adding which ones you “Want to Read” to your Goodreads list. It’s almost time to pick your 2020 reading goal!

Let’s Talk about Bad Sex, Baby

I can’t believe I saved this article for fourth! Like the Razzies for movies, every year Britain gives out a tongue-in-cheek award to the author who has penned what they consider the worst written sex scene. This year, two writers share the award! Click through and prepare to be entertained by prose that is, dare I say, engorged with odd metaphors, verbose descriptions, and way-too-vivid imagery.    

And YOU Get a Piece of Original Fiction!

Not only is Oprah legendary when it comes to, well, everything, she’s once again celebrating reading by featuring original fiction by some of our fave authors on her Oprah Mag site. Check out the timely and interesting story “White Women LOL” by Curtis Sittenfeld. 

The Mob of Scribbling Italian Women

I’ve written before about women authors missing from America’s historical literary canon because stories about women penned by women were considered “less than” and not worthy of recognition. Unfortunately in Italy, women authors have had to wait much longer to attain this respect and recognition. Enter pseudonymous author, Elena Ferrante. Still anonymous, this literary dynamo (author of My Brilliant Friend) has taken the Italian publishing industry by storm with both her talent and her success. And, even better, her success had led more women authors to finally get their due. The NYT has the scoop (yet the true identity of Elena Ferrante remains a mystery).

Cover of the Week: Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson

Who can look at this cover and say, “No, I don’t want to read this.” My first thought was, so what is the child who’s on fire on the cover a metaphor for? Spoiler alert: Nothing. The story does feature kids who spontaneously combust. Now, I say, “Who wouldn’t want to read about that?” Bold colors and provocative imagery combine to make this cover one you won’t miss when you see it on a bookshelf. I’m guessing the book might be like that, too. Looking forward to digging in!


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